deleting every post on here except the ones you guys liked because most of them are just cringy old me being weird
new account @pprck, but I probably won’t be posting.
also, 25 followers and i will release all the accounts i have made here
@jeffalo why are some words in the api backwards now
EDIT: It’s only @wynd’s page for some reason
{"name":"wynd","id":"60db0c5a956cdbbd0489eff6","bio":"OG Follow Duck™ |","verified":true,"permissions":{"admin":false,"banned":false},"beta":true,"links":[],"history":{"joined":1624968282046},"stats":{"followers":133,"following":632,"posts":176},"online":false}
@jeffalo this is an sa issue:
possibly a “hide block palette” addon issue: certain small blocks like “show” and “hide” aren’t grabbable for me + other blocks grab hitboxes are offsetted
note: I have two different sized displays but resizing the scratch page does not make a difference so I think that wouldn’t have caused it.