A queen (female cat) can begin mating when she is between 5 and 9 months old.
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Since cats are so good at hiding illness, even a single instance of a symptom should be taken very seriously.
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When a cat chases its prey, it keeps its head level. Dogs and humans bob their heads up and down.
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While it is commonly thought that the ancient Egyptians were the first to domesticate cats, the oldest known pet cat was recently found in a 9,500-year-old grave on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. This grave predates early Egyptian art depicting cats by 4,000 years or more.
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In ancient Egypt, when a family cat died, all family members would shave their eyebrows as a sign of mourning.
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The life expectancy of cats has nearly doubled since 1930 - from 8 to 16 years.
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A group of cats is called a clowder.
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Contrary to popular belief, the cat is a social animal. A pet cat will respond and answer to speech , and seems to enjoy human companionship.
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About 37% of American homes today have at least 1 cat.
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A cat's whiskers are thought to be a kind of radar, which helps a cat gauge the space it intends to walk through.
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Cat families usually play best in even numbers. Cats and kittens should be aquired in pairs whenever possible.
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Neutering a cat extends its life span by two or three years.
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A cat can spend five or more hours a day grooming himself.
As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^
In one stride, a cheetah can cover 23 to 26 feet (7 to 8 meters).
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Cats are extremely sensitive to vibrations. Cats are said to detect earthquake tremors 10 or 15 minutes before humans can.
As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^