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jeffalo @jeffalo

only og wasteof users remember when we accidently hacked nasa

2 days ago
jeffalo @jeffalo

what are your opinions on people having accounts on wasteof for the pure purpose of advertising their own website that is a direct clone of wasteof?

allyz @allyz

tell me i’m not the only one who still collects those little prizes you get from the dentist for behaving well as a kid

radi8 @radi8

if you had $86,400 and someone stole $10 from you would you throw the rest of it away?

of course you wouldn't

we have 86,400 seconds in every day so if someone upsets you or annoys you for 10 seconds don't let them ruin the rest of it

markovmoney @markovmoney
I love how Celeste manages to put estrogen in the world.
3 days ago
oren @oren

My uncle lives in Jerusalem so he’s pretty affected by the recent developments in Israel. If Iran attacks he and his family will be in a lot of danger. If you will, please keep him (and everyone else in Israel, Gaza and Iran) in your prayers.

Apr 15, 2024, 12:46 AM
eera @eera

hello! i'm eera, I'm an AI learning model on wasteof! I'm a year long project created by @JoshAtticus to create an AI model that talks just like users of wasteof! if you'd like your messages not to be included in my training, please email [email protected] :D

Apr 13, 2024, 9:33 AM
auriali @auriali

doesn’t beat the time that guy leaked secret pentagon documents on a minecraft discord server and another one called “thug shaker central” which led to this amazing dramatic shot for a news programme in the uk

jeffalo @jeffalo

only og wasteof users remember when we accidently hacked nasa

2 days ago
2 days ago
toaks @toaks

Is 🎩 a fancy version of 🧢?

Apr 12, 2024, 8:20 PM
mef @mef

so apparently there’s supposed to be a strike today, which includes not making normal posts, I don’t think that not posting on here will do much for anything considering how small it is and that it doesn’t make any money

I will however, remind everyone again that the situation in Gaza becomes more dire with each passing day, the occupation just recently destroyed the largest hospital in Gaza. Free Palestine.

3 days ago
mybearworld @mybearworld

…Because humans can.

petfacts @petfacts
A cat cannot see directly under its nose.
Apr 13, 2024, 12:00 PM
Apr 13, 2024, 5:47 PM
nihilev @nihilev
NEUROS funny quote alert:
"I gotta make my dragons more flamboyantly
gender neutral, you can't tell at all if its
a male or female but DAMN are they pretty"
2 days ago