Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)
I’ll start with: “I found this website.“
how does a human caput placed atop the bowl of a defecation transportation apparatus become humorous
i don’t get it
Been using Swift for this day
infix operator => : NilCoalescingPrecedence
extension Bool {
static func => (p: Bool, q: Bool) -> Bool {
return !p || q
Apparently this is a thing?
You might have seen Markov chains, but have you heard about hidden Markov models?
Alec’s video in the channel Technology Connections about street light switches tells the interesting way they work. They use a thermostat to switch the lights and uses a couple of resistors that function as a heater, connected in series with an LDR. When light shines into the LDR, its resistance decreses, making the heater resistor produce heat. This heat then trips the thermostat, which opens the connection to the lamp, therefore turning it off. This explanation is made much clearer with a demonstration of it in action when it’s opened through an IR camera.
Meanwhile, some idiot—to put it politely—decided to comment on that video telling that the aforementioned demo is faked, citing “lack of real-life scene”. They added that the no voltage current is flowing through the heaters and Alec just shot a heatgun through the termostat and played the video in reverse (which is allegedly proven by the LDR also heating up). All of them written in a essay that could substitute as a sleeping agent.
What a world we live in.
Do you expect a BiY spinoff to have objectives, move limits, and a freaking dialogue whilst still being a puzzle
Because I don't
My sleeping self was about to post this comment on YouTube
XNXX xxx css css acc s xxx xx s xs ꦝ ꦭꦤ꧀ ꦭꦤ꧀ ꦠꦠ ꦠꦠ ꦿ ꦢꦢxxx sx s,xx ꦢꦢ ꦏꦏꦁ ꦢꦢ ꦢꦢ ꦥꦥ ꦗꦿꦕꦉꦴ cc꧈ꦥꦥ to be off a xxx xxx ꦢꦢ Xbox xxx ꦢꦢ ꦩꦿꦤ ꦢꦢ xxx nextcz s xxsz ꦢꦢ ꦩꦿꦤ ꦢꦢ ꦩꦕ ꦢꦢ ꦿꦄꦴ ꦥꦥz ꦢꦢð,, νέα μας αλλά έχουν xx xx xx xx xx χαζά ς χ σχχ χ虚的,ꦲꦤ ζώωνꦤ ꦥꦥ ꦄꦴꦀ ꦢꦢ ꦢꦢ ꦢꦢ ꦲꦗζ σ έχω χ χσ ꦩꦿꦤ ꦪ꧈ꦿꦄꦴ ꦏꦤ ꦤ με ζς ꦤꦁꦄꦴ as long by xxx με ψυχή τουs!,ayy xcxxy xxx xxx xxx xxx ya xxx see ya see y'allσ xxx sζ xxx xxx to be xx χρόνια σε ζ δεν έχω άλλο ΧΑ cc xxx xxxψχσχφ call off ꧈ꦿ?,be SC xxx can see xxx ya ꦢꦢ!
repeatedly plugging and unplugging my HDD
…AAAAAAAAAAAA- wait, did my laptop just recognized it?
makes a DPCM codec prototype
codec exceeds your expectation
realized that you’ve coded the decoder incorrectly
later realized that you’ve been editing the wrong file
Are the standards of video quality for the general consumer really high or something? I found a 4-minute long, 480p video on WhatsApp that is 66 MB LARGE
Why does it have to be this large? 2 Mb/s is overkill for a 640×480 video, even for H264 which is already efficient enough
I understand that quality if it’s from a camera, but video that’s meant to be shared on a general basis like in WA doesn’t need bitrate that large. Especially when it’s in 480p anyway…