jamied132's wall

Have you tried adventuring on PCE?

I tried once and died straight away lol

F, you have to make food in the Crafting Workshops first lol

It gives you good loot (springgirrafes, statues, materials) so 100% worth the effort.

it automatically named to whiskers so i fixed it up lol

when I got the cat, it was called whiskers, so I renamed it to whisk3rs


Hello! It seems you would like to advertise on my pinned post! Reply with the content you would like to advertise. We will revise it shortly and hopefully add it

Hello! It seems you would like to advertise on my pinned post! Reply with the content you would like to advertise. We will revise it shortly and hopefully add it

Please put “Hey admins! Yeah you! Please ban me immediately! Or I will immediately start to DDOS this website immediately You have 48 hours!” on your wall. Thanks!

Um… no

You know what, I will do it :) (saying it is from you, of course…)

Are you sure??

Yes, just put “Hey admins! Yeah you! Please ban me, jamied132 immediately! Or I will immediately start to DDOS this website immediately You have 48 hours!” on ur profile

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are “\ad” and “/fallow” automated?

yes, I am coding something to make them automated currently

Wait so you made ellaru?

Hello! It seems you would like to advertise on my pinned post! Reply with the content you would like to advertise. We will revise it shortly and hopefully add it

Hello! Please note that your form expires in 2 days! Failure to send in your ad by the time limit will result in us discarding your ad.

I think I found “Elaruu”’s school

I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say it but it’s in Sydney

:o how do you know though? Did they accept your registration?

Never mind it was wrong - and no, not yet.