how did you find wasteof?
oh lol i scrolled down and found the answer anyway :)
good investigation
just wondering but are you in college?
I’ve been in and out of a few schools.
I was living in a bus in Los Angeles (and not in school) for the past few months, but I’ll be in Maine taking a film class and a ballroom dance class at USM (as a non-degree-seeking student) for the next few.
Check this out:
word, thanks for sharing
where did you get the plans for the interior of your bus? did you make them yourself, or find them somewhere? Either way, I would like to go on a similar trip in like 5 years or so, and plans for outfitting a bus would be very helpful
Max, Yams, and I busted out some graph paper and figured out a comfortable way of breaking up the space available.
The plan changed a bit from there, respective primarily to whatever furniture we could find for cheap, but the main layout remained the same.
Ah, makes sense
But you built the walls and beds yourself, right?
The walls and the main two beds, yes. We also have a sailboat bed above where I sleep that Matt occupies now.
Though Yams did have to cut that down to size
Idk where you're going on your bus trip, but if you're going through North Carolina maybe we can meet up
the first leg of the planned trip has us riding the coast down to Florida, so we’ll be passing through NC sometime for sure.
we’ll probably be strapped for time, and I don’t know how close you are to the 95, but we might be able to make it work
I think you would like the album “Hope” by NF. Especially the songs Pandemonium, Turn My Back, and Suffice. The first song, Hope (named after the album), is also good
thanks, I’ll check it out
I'm sorry bro, you're literally clueless about all the controversy that's happened
Also, it's kind of good at the same time. It's a massive can of worms
I haven’t a clue
if you want to know, I can tell you. But it’s a pretty big thing…
Ignorance is bliss. Unless it concerns me, I’m all set
ok, that’s fine
By the way, in the YouTube description of Onset, the LinkedIn of Niko Kochalidze is misspelled as Linkden, in both the mention and the link, so the link leads to one of these weird pages that are not actually registered:
whoops, thank you
where did you find out about wasteof?? (just curious) :)
deep internet rabbit hole
that must have been one deep rabbit hole .most people get here from scratch, so I was just wondering…
welp, your username is just @supercash again
I guess you also don’t need the @supercash2 account anymore…
he’s gonna chill out for the foreseeable future
$upercash pogger
that’s high praise
deserved :p
also, you might want to create a new account with your old username @supercash with a link to this one.
secured, thank you
How’d you change your username??
what discord server is that?
i thought someone had mentioned a wasteof server, but I don’t know where to join
peep the comment chain directly under this one
That invite link is invalid now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i saw your chat message, its a live chat so you have to be on the page to recive it or see the chat log
is it used often?
sometimes? i can invite you to the discord which has a chat log channel