twitch's wall

teach me how to stream on

bro i work there I dont use it 😭

but how will i learn

idk watch a youtube video or smth. my job is to advertise, not teach

Are you really from twitch?

@zu I’m part of the marketing team.

Ok seems legit

I’m apart of the advertising team from twitch.

apart or a part?!

whoops meant a part haha

Wait… so you are real?! How would you prove that to become verified here? 🤔

@ankit_anmol we are not here to get verified, just to try and get people to stream on twitch.

Parody account? If so, mention in about me

Hello @ankit_anmol, we did not understand what you meant by that, can you please clarify?

Are you real? If you are fake, then make it clear