The colors didn’t turn out the best from the picture, but this is kinda what my featured project is supposed to represent
Only today did I learn that Novaya Zemlya is not a full island but is instead made up mostly of the Severny and Yuzhny islands. My mind is blown
I saw some snakes this weekend
(also if you want to see more pictures let me know, I have a lot from my trips, especially of the rattlesnake on top he was beautiful)
Religion is not an excuse for discrimination
Edit: like this post if you think genshin impact is a good game kidding kidding
entropy, but it’s a group of people who spread out and clog the sidewalks (or any other space) and you can’t get past them
You either die a hero…
Or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
Its really fun to watch all the freshman go around and remember how I was just as confused last year
This is wild, there’s a new forum
I like how it took almost 6 months to show up too lol
very important announcement (/j): the scratch team implemented a suggestion
Now that I’m unemployed again, I can spend my free time on what really matters, gaming.