
sussy amogus

U should add among us

Also, would there be a better place to comment this? I didn't see any profile comment places, so I commented here...

i was just thinking about that earlier today.. profile comments would be cool, but i don't really know how to display it to users without being confusing. suggestions are welcome.

Maybe instead of only being able to view they're posts when you go to someone's profile, where the posts usually are, you could have a "posts" tab that is automatically open when you view they're profile, but also a "comments" tab that you could switch to.

yeah i think that would be a good solution. maybe it could be called a "wall" or something similar. like how youtube used to have a discussion tab.

Oh no! I think I found a bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, that's enough exclamation points. When you do a post, and use the code thing

(like this),

and include a link, you can barely see the link! For example

Could you make it so that links don't do anything when they're in the code things, and only show when they're in paragraphs and all the other stuff? Because if you're trying to show code you want to a: be able to copy it, b: be able to see it. Ok, that's it!

ouch.. the way that links and mentions are created is really hacky and i agree its not great.. i think i'll have to write my own plugin to make the links and mentions. i'm currently using a premade thing that does it fairly well but making my own could be fun.

Yeah, I looked in you're source code and saw you were using Tailwind! I'd never heard it be fore but it looks awesome and I'll probably use it. Even if you just made the links a different colour when they were in the mentions, that would be great.

the source code on GitHub is for a technically different site, but yeah both are tailwind. the issue is that the editor outputs html, which gets sanitized client side. somewhere in that process, urls have to be made into links and mentions have to be made into mentions, but it's really hard to do it well.

Yeah, sounds hard!

you can just make like a new normal post but put @jeffalo in it

He'll get notified? like if I say @theawesome98 you'll get a notification for that as well as my reply?

Also I have a few questions... 1: What should be reported? same as scratch community guidlines? 2: What is verification? Does it allow you to appear when you click "explore?" Also, can you make it so that usernames store capital letters? Can you answer my kwestshins (questions) and mebbe think about my suggestion? Why was that last sentence ended with a question mark? Bye. I hope you understand that.

1. what should be reported: nothing.. the report button doesn't work yet. when it does, i guess just report stuff you want an admin to see.

2. what is verification: literaly just a checkmark.. no functional purpose.

3. the explore page is based on follower count.

4. capital letters in username: maybe one day.. but i feel like lowercase, limited usernames are the "pure" form of usernames. display names might come eventually though.

extra thingy for 2. that is just literally all users sorted by top followers limited to I think 10

Ok. I wonder why note more than ten? @Jeffalo!!! Can you hear me? Is there a reason the explore is limited to ten?

the calculation to sort users by followers is very heavy.. if i added more it would cause strain on my servers which wouldn't be very cool. (also its 15, not 10, because 15 is divisible by 3)

why does it have to be divisible by 3

also what is heavy about SELECT * FROM Users ORDER Followers LIMIT 15;

well it's a grid of 3 users, and the heavy part is its not stored like that. also sorting is hard

See more replies

Hello @jeffalo! I'm @-Krios- on scratch, and also made a @-Krios- account here, but forgot my password!!! Please make a "forgot password" function (although I guess you'd have to use an email... Maybe an optional email?)

it's something i want to work on.. for now my advice is just to use Google/GitHub login because they have their own password reset features.

The main struggle is that sending email is surprisingly expensive and not something that would make much sense at the scale of wasteof currently.

I'm working on a password reset feature. It's going well, but existing accounts can't be reset because they don't have emails linked. I will let you know when password resets are working, but for now I've renamed your account to -Krios-Old, so you can reclaim the username if you wish.

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           .::::::-        `....`  

Credit to @rens2

also can you verify @appel cause it's me.

the only person who could be verified as appel is appel themself

Can you verify me?

I'm -UniverseCoder- on scratch.