byron_inc @byron_inc

My Design Technology exam is on tomorrow and I had not memorised any part of it. There’s also notes undone. I also forgot what two of the five chapters are about.

I had made the rookie mistake of spending too much time revising for History.

No way I’m gonna wing it, the terms have to exactly the same (I think).

Oct 28, 2021, 2:11 PM
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I initially had a 3-week study plan ready for the test, but the school brought the exam dates forward since physical classes resume on the day the exams happen. Left me with 8 days to study 8 subjects.

I don’t study languages, so that’s three subjects (Malay, English and Chinese) out of the way. I also decided to wing Math, because my Math is quite good. There’s still 4 subjects where every of these require a lot of brain power to memorize though.