luna @luna

I dare you to follow @maddie UvU

Nov 3, 2021, 3:02 PM
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Well ok then :3

wait are you a boy..?

I’m a duck

Oop sorry my mistake XD

A follow duck who is trying to follow everyone

Uhhhhhhhh Nice….. xD

You’re just jealous because Maddie isn’t really your friend-… :\

uhh what do you mean..?

She’s not you’re friend ->-

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Your acting dumb-

Oka- That’s rude, please no hate comments :Upset:

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Anyways, I wasn’t even talking to you and what do you mean by “ jealous” Ugly

:< that’s mean atleast don’t say it on a a platform that’s PUBLIC-

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I dont even care if she’s not my friend————————————