burrito @burrito

Cool things that happened today

  • I started a campaign to create a fully usable rickroll QR code on r/place

  • Over 200 people began working on it

  • It actually got onto the canvas at the end

  • Someone’s post about it blew up and got 100k upvotes

  • Rick Astley himself commented on that post

  • The official Reddit Twitter tweeted about it

I have never felt so accomplished omg I’m going to put this on my resume

“What is your prior work experience?”

“Oh, I made the rickroll QR code on r/place.”

“You’re hired!”

I’ll have a story to tell my grandkids if I even have kids and all the women aren’t repulsed by the fact that I basically nolifed r/place for four days

Apr 5, 2022, 1:49 AM
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DUDE THAT WAS YOU!?! An article mentioning the Rickroll QR showed up in my Google feed today! That’s insane 😮

Dang, can you link me it?

Might take me a bit to find it, but I'll let you know if I do!