welcome to the wasteof.money v3 beta!
if you’re invited to the private beta, you can login at https://beta.wasteof.money with the key sent via admin messages. please don’t share it!
known issues (that i will solve when i get time)
to view a post page, you have to click the small text in the bottom (because apparently nested links is invalid html)
this might be fixed with some javascripty things
if you have a lot of messages/posts/followers theres a lot of pagination links
the following page for users doesn’t exist yet
you cannot follow or unfollow users
you cannot upload profile pictures or banners
you cannot set sidebar video urls
you cannot type spaces in sidebar text boxes for some reason
you can only login with password authentication
the settings page is lacking settings
this means that you cannot change your username, password, email, google/github, etc.
the about page contains only jam
now it doesn’t
there is no search functionality
you cannot report or delete posts
added reporting posts. still can’t delete them.
added deleting posts
post linkification / mentionification / twemojification doesn’t exist yet
i’m still looking for the best way to do linking/mentioning.. in wasteof2, i’m using an existing package from npm, but it doesn’t play nicely with some of the formatting wasteof uses.
fixed but i’m not entirely satisfied on the way i did it.
some buttons use emojis rather than polished icons
theres no way to remove links from a link block
profile sidebar is missing some limits
should be fixed
please send feedback or issues on this account’s wall (or ping me @jeffalo). thanks!
and banned users do not show up
@jeffalo pls can you give me beta key
i need access to hekcer world
when no key: sad blender noises
“you cannot follow or unfollow users”
that is false. i have followed someone in the beta and unfollowed someone to prove it
just added this yesterday :P
also when public beta @jeffalo
where key
kekw instead of replying he just gave me the key
where key
Where key
it’s private
but i was invited to it, and have the key, but i can’t give it to anyone or bad things will probably happen
I have the key, hello from WO3!
when you arent invited
but still this means it might come soon :D