nihalnavath @nihalnavath

Heya there a new member here, first of all great site! Really cool concept and I really like the minimilistic feel.

Also after using wasteof for a bit, here are some suggestions from me @jeffalo

  • maybe add a “new posts” in explore, rn only trending which makes it hard for new users to be discovered.

  • I know you will do this gradually, but add support for images from other sites and local uploading.

  • Work on a alert/pop up modal that can be reused? rn most of the alerts use the default `alert` method which looks boring.

  • Add a “suggest” page where suggestions like this could go.

Bugs/stuff that would be cool if fixed?

  • When you delete a post, redirect to home or some other page instead of a 404

  • The explore “search anything” input needs to be really precise, you need to provide a users exact name for it to be shown up, so for ex, if I type “NihalNavat” my profile doesn’t show up. Hope this will be changed

May 27, 2022, 3:32 PM
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thanks for all the feedback! i’m actually already working on almost all of these, but i’m really grateful for your feedback!

i’ve enabled your account for the beta (, let me know what you think!

Ayy thanks for the beta access, looks cool!