chester @chester

I bet you guys can't make a sentence without using the letters "a" or "y"!

Jun 16, 2022, 8:55 PM


I think someone once wrote some book without “e” (with the no writing some letters concept)

There is no possible universe where this isn’t posted for comments.

I’m questioning the truth of me reposting this post twice.

It did occur twice.

It seems I collected more comments then what I thought I would get.

og is pretty sus ngl :)

Oh Em Gee Fortnite imposter sussy???

Blue vented in... Hold on… None of the titles of the locations fit the rules… UGH.

this was too difficult for me to do.

yet i did it in that sentence :)


tell me, what letter is in the middle of this word that you included in your sentence?

Insert s-word here

The objective is still elusive.

The cup of citrus juice swirls on the counter while the ground shook under the people’s feet. The shelves lost their hold, then fell to the ground. The structure crumbled while the building fell. The people inside could not get out. The building kept coming down, the people kept howling. Then in one subsequent moment, the world froze still, together with the burst of bright blue light, once it stopped, then ended.

This has me wondering if I could develop some full novel without using these letters.

I like how this did.

Not too difficult, I thought vowels first, but this isn’t truly impossible like if it was.

How interesting. Quite the trick to pull off, isn't it? But could one form multiple sentences? To do so would be impressive.

Thou have messed up.


Indeed, how one could be consumed due to the clever rules I set, requires knowledge of how the English lexicon works, In order to dodge the issues one would encounter.

Upon perusing this post I wrote, it is quite obvious to note the letters forbidden previous to this were in effect in statements I provide.

Let me out of here!

Nice. How long could one form sentences for?

You just did one longer

I suggest checking the other comments.

With proper speech, of course.