non-biased-news @non-biased-news

Hello, all!

You all want me to reveal what the big thing happening is going to be, so here, here is what is happening:

NBN is turning into something else. NBN will soon be part of NBO, the Non Biased Org(anization).

Currently part of the organization is one person, and another, soon to change.

Do you want to be part of the team? Apply on our wall → @non-biased-news/wall for now.

What will we do?

  • Be non biased :o

  • Promote non-biasism (thats a word)

  • Run different services for the people of wasteof

What will we run?

  • Music programs, art programs, and some bots.

Do you have ideas, questions, or comments? Comment below.

Thanks to @riso for graphics :)

Jun 16, 2022, 9:21 PM
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