some guy on scratch made a project about the serious issues on scratch
the project is gone (because scratch team is a bunch of hypocrites) but it basically boiled down to ST not doing its job and banning the innocent people
what ST is currently doing is not good and lots of people are leaving because of it. its practically worse than roblox moderation.
i like to say more but i will edit this post when i have the chance
it has gotten slightly better, but take that to a grain of salt
Also, it seems like pretty much everyone and scratch has no idea what the actual problem with moderation is. Fast bands are actually pretty rare, it usually has to do with the people getting bands not admitting the things they did. Once I claimed I got false band, but I'm pretty sure now was just for evading punishments. The real issue is that the Scratch Team does not spend a lot of time judging whether or not something it's OK, which is understandable but is still an issue. Several programming projects have been taken down because the ST's unsure whether or not they are safe, and that's why the browser extension policy exists. We all don't like it but it's pretty much the only plausible thing the ST can do right now.