late @late

give some bundle reborn code so i can send the results

this is pretty how you are gonna test this, available commands are:

write [text] - write to the console (no new line)
writeln [text] - write to the console with a new line
clear - clears the console
ask [question] - prompts the user with [question]
def [variable] = [value] - defines a variable
wait [seconds] - pauses the script for [seconds] seconds
[variable] = [new value] - sets [variable] to [new value] (only works for defined vars)
random [start] [end] - sets "res" to a random number between [start] and [end]
${[variable]} - gets [variable] value (if [variable] exists)
# - literally a comment 

brackets are not needed
Jul 13, 2022, 4:39 AM
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def x = y

def ${x} = 1

write ${y} ${${x}}