jeffalo @jeffalo

wow guys twitter is down

Jul 14, 2022, 12:12 PM


Amazing - again showing that wasteof is superior.

we will ignore that wasteof goes down for a couple minutes every few hours because of a bad ethernet cable :)

freaking buy a new cable, it’s not that expensive

yeah but i have a new server now

You still need a new cable don't you? Or is it a problem with the port?

it's either the cable or the NIC, but now i have a new server anyways so i can just ignore old server issues

My dad knows all about this stuff, he works in networking

Oof ;-; I have one if you need to borrow it :P

Yeah i have like a thousand bc my dad does networking

Nicee - I have like three extras because I’m just a nerd ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I’ve only ever seen wasteof have an outage once lol