chester @chester

Progress on my latest Scratch game!

Yeah… it’s Joustus but with Scratchers.

Bugs so far:

  • You can’t push cards up or down Fixed!

  • You can push nothing downwards (???) Fixed!

  • You can push in any direction regardless of which arrows you have Fixed!

  • There’s layering issues when too many cards are on screen (flickering with arrows and pictures) Fixed!

  • You can’t actually push cards, although it knows when you should be able to push them (WIP) Fixed!

  • Abilites don’t show up

  • Chain pushing destroys cards

  • Jeffalo can’t push down or left Fixed!

Jul 14, 2022, 4:37 PM
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can i be part of the game

Why not? First, if you could have any arrow combination (left up down and right, only one of each, and more ≠ better) what would it be? (Jeffalo’s is all arrows, @/ee’s is up and down, so don’ pick those lol)

Okay then. By the way, I never told anyone this, but there’s abilites aside from the arrows, so if you picked the “flip up/down” ability, your card would swap from being up to being down and vice versa every time it’s pushed. Wanna try that?

Great, that’ll make you the first ability card.