chester @chester

I'd also like to add that thanks to the way this game works, having more arrows does not necessarily mean your card is better, since it will become very difficult to move it back if your opponent moves it. Additionally, since your goal is to occupy gem spaces, which you cannot directly place a card on, it is very important that you're able to push a card. If a card has too many arrows, it'll be difficult to push it since you're not able to push a card that has equal or more arrow strength in the direction you're trying to push it in.

chester @chester

If any of you own a scratch account and want to be added to my remake, please let me know.

chester @chester

I indirectly asked @jeffalo what his Joustus card would look like and he responded first with up, and then all of the arrows once he realized it was for a game. strategy moment

Jul 14, 2022, 8:06 PM
Jul 14, 2022, 10:45 PM
Jul 14, 2022, 11:02 PM
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I can, but I’ll ask you one question first: If you could have a combination of arrows (up down left or right, one of each only) what would be?

Alright I’ll go get your PFP and put it into the list