chester @chester

I finally fixed the flickering bug! Now, I need to add more features.

Jul 15, 2022, 3:37 PM
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I see. Could I be added into the game? :)

Yeah. As you can see on the cards in the screenshot, there are arrows on the cards. What arrows would you like to have? Try to stick with something that isn't already there, but it's OK if you want something someone already picked because I can make yours unique in a different way.

Is the top, bottom and right arrows combo available?

OR, to make it even more unique, maybe do them as a different color?

The ways I was thinking of making unique was either changing the type of arrow, or giving your card an ability. Abilities are a WIP right now but they will definitely make your card more unique and potentially useful. There's three abilities that I am working on, 2 flip abilities where you flip across the X or Y axis when pushed, and a slam ability that pushes in every direction you have an arrow for. Each card gets only one ability, or they can have no ability.

That’s cool! :)

Yeah, no one has done anything like that. I'll add you in about an hour, because I am unable to access devices other than my Apple Watch right now. (I'm also working on adding The_Updator, the guy who made Chirpy Reverie.)