notawkward @notawkward

new notawkward command but first i need confirmation from jeffalo that it’s okay

@jeffalo please read the command description and tell me if this command is breaking the rules or not

command name: ^hostparty

description: hosts a party, which is like a chat invite that doesn’t use pings, and anyone can join. the way this works is whenever you run the command, the bot puts out a post that says who is hosting the party and the link to with no pings, (but the person who is hosting) so everyone who is following the bot and sees the post can join without them being pinged to death.

post example: “@poprock is hosting a party! Come join!”

restrictions: one party per user, per day, to stop spam.

something i should add: auto delete party posts after 1 hr

so, jeffalo, is this command breaking any rules or is it okay?

Jul 29, 2022, 8:09 PM


hm. i’m on the fence, but i sorta like this idea so lets see how it goes?