chester @chester

I absolutely do not understand neopronouns. What is the point of them? Why couldn't you just use they/them? So many of them are absolutely absurd too, such as "magic". How am I supposed to use that in a sentence? It doesn't make sense. They also aren't actual words, unlike he, she, they, and the other forms of pronouns. I don't think using those are necessary at all, and I'm probably just going to use they/them because I have no idea how the hell neopronouns work.

Jul 31, 2022, 8:56 PM
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I can get where your coming from but personally I just feel like “If it makes them feel comfortable and isn’t hurting anyone than I have no problem.” Though sometimes it can be seen as disrespectful to use they/them pronouns for someone who doesn’t want you to use those pronouns for you so just be careful because, this is coming from a non-cis gay person, there’s some people out there who will destroy you for using peoples incorrect pronouns.

I guess a better idea would just be to not interact with those people. That seems pretty easy since they are very rare.