oren @oren

A small compilation of rules that my school made this year

  • We can’t stay in the rooms during lunch, we have to go out into a common area (my school is kinda weird and we used to usually stay in our respective rooms during lunch)

  • They take away all our devices for the whole day. This includes my Apple Watch (but it wasn’t enforced today 😏)

  • We have to go to the bathroom as a group (despite the fact that you can see the bathroom from the door of my classroom), we can’t go by ourselves like we used to

  • There has to be an adult in the room at all times during class, so if the teacher needs to go to the bathroom then someone has to come in

So yeah it’s kinda bad but luckily I only go on Mondays so it’s not every day. My school is pretty good otherwise, because we have a ton of freedom and there’s only 10 kids in each class (although I might go to normal school next year)

Aug 22, 2022, 8:23 PM
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not at my school