gilbert189 @gilbert189

i don’t know what to do here so

here’s blender in blender

the “mango juice“ could be better though

Sep 15, 2022, 11:06 AM


I use Cycles there! That’s how I get the transparent glass in the first place.

s/I use/I’ve used/

huh thats weird - the lighting on the blender’s glass doesn’t look as good as expected

IIRC that glass is actually not hollow; back then I don’t know how to “solidify” a prism

I just make the glass translucent with a tint of white with very low IOR so that it looks somewhat decent

i asked a blender expert and they said

I'm really not sure why the blender looks like that, I can only assume they are using the alpha input of the principled shader which shouldn't be used for glass (it's not realistic)