burrito @burrito

Do you ever just find a new song that you really like and you like it to the extent that you play it on loop over and over until you no longer enjoy it and then move to the next song?

Sep 16, 2022, 12:01 AM


i did that with it’s corn

literally me B)

my sibling hates it when i do that tho lol

That happened to me every time. The most recent one is a remix of Spider Dance, then No Hints Here, then Hype, then EMOMOMO, then Beep Beep I’m A Sheep, then Bomb-Sniffing Pomeranian…

so true - these days i try not to overplay a song so it doesnt happen. this past month i think ive gotten tired of like 3 songs i really like

you cant do that with fireflies by owl city

I try not to do that.