chester @chester

I got banned from Scratch again. Wow

Sep 28, 2022, 2:55 PM


im a bit late but F

What were you even arguing with cheddargirl about?

I don't think there's an easy way to explain it, but it was pretty dumb. Check my ocular.

That is a bruh moment.


(also my current ban record is currently 2, both were for going insane in forum arguments)

disagreed with cheddargirl

(also i have 0 bans on scratch, but 2 alerts (1 for citing a chat platform not moderated by the ST, and another for showing scratch addons fish without mentioning its name))

i also have had 2 alerts, one for linking wasteof on my website, the other for bypassing the forum filter to say “crap”.

But why?

I’m banned forever btw

If you disagree with a moderator, you are more than likely to have them check your entire account for every minor mistake you've made and make it all add up to a ban

how many times did you get banned on scratch?

ratio was banned 8 times

That’s impressive…