ko @ko

50% of these are just useless with css

oren @oren

Every HTML Tag ranked

  • <!--...--> : comment tag. Kinda boring but useful 7/10

  • <!DOCTYPE> : document type. Useless 2/10

  • <a> : link. One of the best tags ever 10/10

  • <abbr> : underrated 7/10

  • <address> : underrated also 6/10

  • <area> : complex but useful 6/10

  • <article> : underused 7/10

  • <aside> : defines a sidebar. Should have just been css 5/10

  • <audio> : eh idk 6/10

  • <b> : bold. should have been css 5/10

  • <base> : ig it’s useful so ok 7/10

  • <bdi> : one of those elements everyone forgets about. should just be css or smth idk 5/10

  • <bdo> : should just be css bruh 5/10

  • <blockquote> : quote. kinda cool 7/10

  • <body> : 8/10

  • <br> : html go brrrrr 10/10

  • <button> : cool 10/10

  • <canvas> : too complex imo. and it requires javascript 7/10

  • <caption> : another one people forget about. not very useful 6/10

  • <cite> : citation. Seems kinda useless to me 5/10

  • <code> : fun 8/10

  • <col> : a column 7/10

  • <colgroup> : why 5/10

  • <data> : what does this even do?? 5/10

  • <datalist> : bruh just use a dropdown menu 7/10

  • <dd> : why is this needed 5/10

  • <del> : what the heck if text is deleted it should be removed, not kept 3/10

  • <details> : actually underrated. This should be added to wasteof.money 9/10

  • <dfn> : makes no sense whatsoever 2/10

  • <dialog> : I love this one 10/10

  • <div> : useful 9/10

  • <dl> : even less useful than <dd>. 1/10

  • <dt> : bruh why 2/10

  • <em> : wait bruh why not just use <i> 3/10

  • <embed> : use iframe imo 6/10

  • <fieldset> : idk about this one 7/10

  • <figcaption> : why couldn’t they just use the normal caption element? 3/10

  • <figure> : why do you need this? there’s other options they could have done 2/10

  • <footer> : cool and useful 8/10

  • <form> : one of the most useful tags ever 10/10

  • <h1> to <h6> : different levels of headings. I think it should have been css but eh whatever 6.5/10

  • <head> : kinda cool 6/10

  • <header> : the same as <footer> 8/10

  • <hr> : dang that’s actually kinda cool. I didn’t know about it until this. Imma have to use it some 8/10

  • <html> : ok 7/10

  • <i> : italics ok 8/10

  • <iframe> : cool but they added so many restrictions that it’s not as good anymore 7/10

  • <img> : images are great 10/10

  • <input> : cool 8/10

  • <ins> : just like <del>, why in the world is this needed?? 3/10

  • <kbd> : actually kinda cool 7/10

  • <label> : pretty cool but they should have used it for more than just inputs 7/10

  • <legend> : could they not have used <label>???? bruh 3/10

  • <li> : pretty cool 9/10

  • <link> : idk why they needed this but ok 6/10

  • <main> : eh 7/10

  • <map> : complicated 6/10

  • <mark> : highlights are very cool 9/10

  • <marquee> : the king of all html 147/10

  • <meta> : eh 7/10

  • <meter> : this actually looks really cool and underused wow 10/10

  • <nav> : navbar be like 8/10

  • <noscript> : kinda sad that there are still people who don’t use javascript but whatever 6/10

  • <object> : what the heck just use iframe

  • <ol> : not much to say here 7/10

  • <optgroup> : they could have done this another way but eh 8/10

  • <option> : an option in a dropdown list 7/10

  • <output> : what is the use of this?? still it’s pretty cool 8/10

  • <p> : nothing like the classics amirite 9/10

  • <param> : seems like this should just be an attribute 2/10

  • <picture> : that’s actually kinda cool idk 6/10

  • <pre> : eh 7/10

  • <progress> : whoa I didn’t know about this one and it looks really cool 10/10

  • <q> : why not use <blockquote>??? 4/10

  • <rp> : kinda like noscript, just there for compatibility 6/10

  • <rt> : basically it explains East Asian text 7/10

  • <ruby> : I like this one’s name 8/10

  • <s> : strikethrough be like 7/10

  • <samp> : this also looks really cool and underrated 9/10

  • <script> : one of the best tags ever 11/10

  • <section> : why not use a <div>?? 5/10

  • <select> : personally I really like this one. I like dropdown lists 9/10

  • <small> : should have been css but whatever 6/10

  • <source> : why not use the src attribute??

  • <span> : another one that should just be a div

  • <strong> : bold text. but you should just use <b> 4/10

  • <style> : css is hard to use but it makes stuff look cool 7/10

  • <sub> : subscripted text be like 8/10

  • <svg> : kinda cool but a bit hard to use 7/10

  • <table> : an underused element 7/10

  • <tbody> : 6/10

  • <td> : why did they name it “td” for a table cell?? 7/10

  • <template> : I don’t understand this one 5/10

  • <textarea> : pretty cool 8/10

  • <tfoot> : 6/10

  • <th> : header cell in a table 7/10

  • <thead> : 6/10

  • <time> : doesn’t do anything special 7/10

  • <title> : 5/10

  • <tr> : row in a table 7/10

  • <track> : idk tbh 6/10

  • <u> : underline be like 8/10

  • <ul> : unordered list 7/10

  • <var> : math be like 8/10

  • <video> : video is great 10/10

  • <wbr> : when there might be a line break but you’re not quite sure 7/10

This list is a joke

Oct 26, 2022, 7:20 PM
Nov 2, 2022, 5:27 PM
