my parent took one of my crutches and moved it before leaving home so i had to hop around the house on one foot on a sprained ankle until i found it :/
why did ur parent move ur crutch away from u???
wanted to use it as a paperweight to hold a window curtain open lmao
?????? tf lmao that’s insensitive
yeah they do be like that sometimes ;;
I’m sorry friend ༼ つ u_u ༽つ (hug)
thank you ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
Why? Are you ok?
i sprained my ankle lol, its not a rare occurrence so its good
what kind of situation are you in that spraining your ankle is a normal occurence
im a very clumsy person :p sprained my ankle 4 times in one year back in like 2018