chester @chester


Dec 29, 2022, 9:52 PM


fun fact: post history exists

ah yes, the c slur. cis

it’s not even slur it’s a term for identifying as your agab

i’m suprised oren hasn’t hopped over here yet said his opinion that nobody asked for

Funny, it's actually been an annoyance that so many people are just being outright rude to Oren. I get it, he's definitely done some things that we don't agree with. That doesn't justify what I'm seeing. It's just annoying and infuriates me.

“cis is a slur” lmao. latin prefixes are just so offensive.

transphobes: you don’t deserve to live, now i’m gonna say awful stuff

also transphobes: how dare you say a latin prefix! that’s a slur!

whoops, i accidentally phrased it as if i thought trans people dont deserve to live

they do

trans ppl are just as valid as cis ppl

english is hard

tell that to my chem teacher