my list of VMs: windows XP, windows 3.1, DOS, and windows 95
i had windows xp, windows vista and windows 7
well i still have windows xp in my desktop compooter
i have windows xp, windows 7, and windows nt 4 (too bad vmware tools wotn work on it cuz its not service pack 4)
my virtual machines:
Microsoft DOS 6.22
Microsoft DOS 7.0
Windows 1.0
Windows 3.1
Windows NT 3.51
Windows NT 4.0
Windows 98
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
Windows 11
macOS 10.0
macOS 11 Ventura
Arch Linux
Ubuntu 12.04
RedStar OS 3.0
ravynOS 0.4
(probably more i forgot)
wait a minute, how you managed to emulate 11 Ventura MacOs?
just the same as any other version of macOS, just get the iso for hypervisors off of olarila and add it to your virtual machine
would that work for VirtualBox too?
yes, that’s what all the virtual machines i listed are in
ok. do you think i could run Ventura 13 iOS in it?
do you mean you want to run the iPhone simulator? i don’t know, it might be really slow because it’s another virtual machine inside a virtual machine but you can try it
My list of VMs and emulators: Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (in DOS 6.11, using VirtualBox); Mac OS 6, 7 and 8 (using MAME, 2 different versions of QEMU and SheepShaver)
*actually, I think it’s DOS 6.55
*nope, it’s 6.22