jeffalo @jeffalo

turbowarp is literally better than scratch at this point. all they need is a community site (i realize this is a big thing to implement) and it would be an instant success!!!

theglasspenguin @theglasspenguin

turbowarp’s custom extensions library is cool

Jan 23, 2023, 6:56 PM
Jan 23, 2023, 8:19 PM


fr they should make it like a community site to create accounts and share projects, good since at my school they’ve blocked scratch addons

they could just steal scratch-www (i think that's the right repo)

Scratch-www doesn't include the backend API though - and it's a really complex app.

A lot of scratch's community comes from schools, and I doubt they'd use Turbowarp because it'd have less moderation and it's not endorsed by MIT

Yeah, and the scratch team has more developers and has had longer but I guess it’s more complex for them and the editor isn’t their focus.

st has more devs?! they’re an entire organisation lmao, Garbo is one man and the SA community helped with the extension

what’s your point?