chester @chester

This looks like a meme made by a 14-year-old Scratcher that claims to have every single mental disorder in existence, and gets really mad whenever somebody remixes their projects for any reason at all

Jan 29, 2023, 5:20 PM


but I made this meme….

true, but I still think you should be able to turn off remix and see inside if you have a big important project and you don’t want someone to remix it or do the file remix trick

note: the file remix trick is a trick that copycat accounts use to get rid of the remixed from banner so they can say that the project is theirs. this is how it works: see inside > file > save to computer > file > new > file > load from computer > done

the banner won’t show because when you save it it acts like you are the owner saving it

I feel like scratch artists are some of the most toxic people on the website

They’re either really nice or really toxic. No inbetween.