latias @latias

also i got warned for having my pronouny in my profile. which i guess is fair but like they didn't have to remove my entire wiwo

latias @latias

the main one that sticks out to me was for “talking about age regression” because apparently scratch thinks it’s nsfw or something. [it’s NOT but that isn’t the point so] except i haven’t even talked about it on my main. [which was the account that got warned]. well except for that one discussion post asking why scratch team was banning people for it but i was under the impression that asking about scratch rules was allowed?? anyways i got the warning and then i went “hey um i never even talked about this st” and promptly got muted for 12 hours [this happened a couple days ago]

latias @latias

why does scratch hate me so much all of a sudden like i was doing fine and then BAM four warnings in under a week

Feb 10, 2023, 2:02 AM
Feb 10, 2023, 2:07 AM
Feb 10, 2023, 2:08 AM
