dertermenter @dertermenter

You can hate oren all you want but there is no denying that this is extremely unfair and @jeffalo should revert the change.

Also I was literally lied to :(

chester @chester

Jeffalo just admitted offsite he wasn't actually sure it was Oren. Seriously?!

Feb 11, 2023, 2:16 AM
Feb 11, 2023, 2:19 PM
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not sure who lied to you, but all i said is that “from what i can tell they're the person who did the spamming”. which is true and i still stand by it.

so why did you then say that you weren’t sure that he did it?

I'll be honest, I’m extremely annoyed at you. I ask you why he was banned, and you said it was from the spam. Then you say you are not sure it is oren. Then you start complaining that I leaked our DMs when it was relevant to the conversation that was happening. If you are fine to admit why you banned oren, then why not to all the users? I just feel slightly lied to and then scapegoated to cover blushes.

Sorry if this annoys you and feel free to explain your POV but this is how I feel.

I'm pretty sure you know it doesn't make any sense for him to spam his favourite website with memes they have pretty much never used before.

No motivation, no similar behaviour. It makes zero sense.