gilbert189 @gilbert189

Edit: Now I get the idea why. Can we stop the discourse now?

I kinda don’t get why trans people exists. What’s so enticing about being able to change genders while they’re not really getting the potential benefits of actually changing them?

And while we’re at it, why are most of the trans memes I’ve been getting recently girly?

Mar 24, 2023, 8:12 AM
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while they’re not really getting the potential benefits

while some of it is true, i wouldn’t necessarily say that. people can get hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and introduce either testosterone or estrogen into their body. while i don’t really know the effects of testosterone, i know that estrogen does do things like lower body hair growth, growth of breasts, etc. trans people, if they want to can also get top or bottom surgery.

trans memes I’ve been getting recently girly?

to be honest, i don’t know, but if you look at places like r/traa or r/egg_irl, you’ll probably see that there aren’t a lot, like you said. there isn’t a ton of representation in the transmasc community to make those sort of memes, which is pretty sad, and would be wonderful if there more of them


transmasc definitely isn’t as popular of a thing

It's unpopular enough to the point where many transphobes don't even know it exists

worse oren post

you never said it’s not true ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

not, but it’s a weird way to say it, rather than like “there appears to be less trans men?”

honestly someone would have taken that the wrong way 💀 it always happens to me