princess_arson @princess_arson

I mean I think there were better ways to ask this question that aren’t calling it weird in an implied (or at least the way I perceived it) negative way. Just because you don’t understand it, doesn’t make it weird, or a problem, maybe next time just try saying you don’t get it. I understand that gender is mostly a social and psychological thing. From what I understand, someone saying they identify as an object or non-human thing, it’s usually less about the thing itself, and more about the vibe, aesthetic. It stems from the fact that gender, in a simple (very very simple, I’m not a gender specialist, I don’t know everything) sense is how someone is perceived by themselves and others, so as such if an object, lets say a book, is perceived as dark and mysterious, and person feels that their identity matches that, they might say they identify as that book. From my experience too, most of the time it’s usually partially joking in a way that they know it may not make a lot of sense, but they just vibe with it. Next time saying something like this about a community that you are not a part of, please just ask questions in a more respectful way, or don’t say that you think someone is wrong for saying something you most likely know little about. (maybe you know a lot, I don’t know you). Trans people are already under a lot of fire both legally and socially, so just making random criticisms like this isn’t really helping anyone. I am not saying this to be angry, nor to shut you down. I’m saying this because I want to help you and everyone else here feel safe and respected. I do not want to fight you, I just want to help find a more peaceful and helpful solution to this argument and ongoing problem (of arguing about trans issues).

dertermenter @dertermenter

Hot take: Genders that are actually about social, psychological, sexual etc (with these of course can be set-in-stone or can change aspects (like the ones on this list: are fine but genders related to not living things (like books, web browsers etc) are weird and to me seem like attention seeking - like who identifies themselves as Google Chrome? Or Diary Of a Wimpy kid?

Mar 27, 2023, 7:41 PM
Mar 28, 2023, 10:23 PM


How can someones identity be “dark and mysterious” though? Geniuene question.

I mean just like idk it’s just an aesthetic or thing they vibe with, masculinity, femininity and androgyny have different definitions for everyone, so if someone associates the specific gender they identify with those traits, then they could say they identify as that, there are different forms of masculinity, femininity and androgyny, and that specific kind they feel that they are has those traits, it can (not always) be more of a gender expression thing rather than a gender identity. (here’s a thing on the difference

so the book example was a form of gender expression?

I mean it could be both really so not necessarily

I think it would make more sense if that was a gender expression, not a gender identity.

I mean it doesn’t need to make sense to you, it’s how people feel about themselves and how they want to be perceived and perceive themselves, besides, gender identity is more the way a person sees themselves, and gender expression is how a person acts and or dresses (on a very basic level). They can perceive their own gender identity having certain traits.

that was a very gentle way to phrase it :D i applaud