spongus_bongus @spongus_bongus

The KFC menu item “double down” is a failure in every aspect that you can look at. The next few paragraphs will tell you the tale of me ordering this Adam Sandler of a sandwich.

I was hungry and so was my mom, we decided to stop at the nearby KFC, I mean what can possibly go wrong with that? Well as I will show you soon enough, everything. She told me to go order something while she stayed in the car. While walking to the building I saw, on the drive-through menu, the double down. I almost immediately was hit by a wave of nostalgia as I remembered how good this used to be before, for some probably ludicrous reason, it was not in the menu anymore. That was more than 4 years ago. So obviously, I had to order it!

I went inside the building and saw that in the menu, it wasn’t there! It was only in the drive through menu! How will anyone find the double down if it’s not in the in-store menu! I asked the guy at the counter if it was actually there and he answered yes, so I ordered one and 2 spicy chicken sandwiches and a Pepsi, the only reason you would find me in public with Pepsi is because there was no Coca-Cola to be found, I would never drink that ripoff unless I was offered 100 dollars or above or it was for my life. Alas, ripoff Coca-Cola is better than no Coca-Cola, so I drank the Pepsi as I waited for my meal.

While waiting for my meal I noticed that there were barely any people in the KFC, it really has fell off lately, and not just it’s popularity.

Apr 2, 2023, 6:57 PM
