emeraldthunder1 @emeraldthunder1

My IMDB review (3/10):

I was originally rather exited for this film, being both a fan of the MCU and of the sci-fi genre. However, to say that it disappointed me would be a huge understatement. The main cast include a talking racoon and a sentient tree who is only capable of forming three words (four if you include his line at the very end), who simultaneously add basically nothing to the story while being a great annoyance for the viewer. The soundtrack is also a point of criticism, not suiting the sci-fi vibe of the film and aiding the “heroes” in defeating the antagonist through a dance battle.

As a fan of the Star Wars franchise, this movie is vaguely reminiscent of it while not including any of the parts that actually made it good. If you have nothing better to do, this movie may be okay for light watching, however, it is nothing more than cheap trash to pass the time.

emeraldthunder1 @emeraldthunder1

Guardians of the Galaxy is one of the worst Marvel sub-franchises:

Change my mind

Apr 6, 2023, 9:25 AM
Apr 6, 2023, 9:28 AM
