oren @oren

America needs a new political party. Both of the current ones are bad. Republicans are way too reactionary, Democrats are pro-censorship, and both are getting more extreme. Neither appropriately represents an average person.

May 8, 2023, 3:32 PM
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teenagers don’t pay taxes they shouldnt vote

billionaires don’t pay taxes they shouldn’t vote

Why is not paying taxes such a problem? There is no organization that wastes money better than the federal government. Evading taxes in every way possible is actually a good way to steward your money.

I didn’t mention taxes, @dood said that people who don’t pay taxes shouldn’t be able to vote and I simply rebutted. 🤷‍♂️

Billionaires (who usually exploited workers to gain their wealth) benefit from the services that are paid for by the people. The government protects corporations that try to evade paying their fair share. And at every chance they get, these same corporations try to lower wages, decrease benefits, etc. without even considering how this affects employees.

There is also no organization that provides services to the poor/homeless/starving/workers than the government. Without the collection of people “We the people”, no billionaire could make money. They are selling/providing a service to “the people” and the people have the job of keeping their power in check.

What services does the government provide?

Roads, libraries, parks, fire department, police, satellites (GPS), defending the nation from other countries/threats, environmental protection, emergency medical services, courts, they pass laws that protect peoples' rights, Social Security payments help 51 million Americans, they feed 38 million starving people a year, etc. Republicans often try to ignore/pretend none of this stuff exists when talking about government.

They also waste at least $247 billion per year (according to https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/18/heres-how-the-federal-government-wastes-tax-money.html), which could be used as tax cuts. In fact, I think everything the government does could be made a lot more efficient.

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Not to mention the postal service, Medicare (which gives medical assistance to the elderly), copyright/patent laws to protect your ideas and inventions, public education for every child (PRETTY IMPORTANT!!), OSHA regulations and inspections protect America’s workforce by limiting exposure to toxic chemicals, The federal minimum wage law makes sure every covered worker gets paid a basic wage, The U.S. Weather Service provides storm and hurricane warnings.

Read more things (just the federal government does!) here:


Medicare is pretty socialist, ngl. Also the minimum wage is just a law, the government doesn’t do anything with it every year. And public schools are mostly paid for on a county and state level. The other stuff is pretty fair

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Most of this stuff benefits billionaires/corporations/the rich the most, actually.

If this was really true, than why do low-income people (who pay a higher tax rate than the rich) vote at lower rates (because of voter suppression, employers not giving them time off on voting day, lack of transportation, etc.) than billionaires.

A better way to think of this is: Teenagers are affected by almost all laws, and are expected to follow them, but have practically zero say in voting for them, while someone who is elderly, sick, and 6 months away from dying (who will not be around to see the laws take effect, and who will not be affected by them) can vote…




Rich people have been working hard to make the poor, working-class, and young people (all who are typically more progressive) fear talking about politics by making it a taboo. By lowering engagement among these groups, voter turnout becomes low, as people feel less motivated to create actual change in their country, and the billionaires can do whatever they want.

