oren @oren

America needs a new political party. Both of the current ones are bad. Republicans are way too reactionary, Democrats are pro-censorship, and both are getting more extreme. Neither appropriately represents an average person.

May 8, 2023, 3:32 PM
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Term limits don’t really solve problems, as a party/billionaire can just pay/bribe a new person to support the exact same ideas (ideas that don’t correspond to what the population actually wants). You need to solve the problem at its root, which is that politicians have too much freedom. Their job is to be the voice of the people... The government is supposed to represent “we the people” and in most cases, it isn’t doing that. Politicians shouldn’t be serving their own agendas, and the only way to stop that is to give the people who put them in office the same opportunity to take them out of office if/when they abuse their power.

Like I said, just have new politicians who sign a contract which will require them to resign if they’re paid by anyone. And they have to publicize all of their financials and such