My wishlist for wasteof for Android:
disclaimer: I am not a web dev and so I don't know if any of this is possible or not. I just think it would make the user experience better :)
User walls
Your profile page (so you can go to your own profile)
Link to comments/ posts in notifications
Tags (mostly for main wasteof but it would be cool) integration
Specific mobile push notifications (instead of "you have 1 unread" it's "@abc123 reposted your post")
Um also it would be nice (not necessary) for faster notifications
Last point read thing, I guess?
Now, not needed but it would be really cool to see who has liked a post
More clear like/repost/comment buttons
Image posting (coming soon) (not needing cube upload or making cube upload automatic would be )
Header text format
And of course a redesigned UI around these new features
For most UI text, it uses Space Mono which is the font from wasteof3 beta. For posts, it uses your phone's default UI font.