dertermenter @dertermenter

Food hot take #12: mayonnaise does not go with fries and is one of the worst sauces you can put on them.

Ketchup, Barbecue and even curry sauce are all clear.

Aug 4, 2023, 7:33 PM
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people actually use mayonaise for fries? mayonaise really only works well with meat most of the time.

Mayonnaise with… meat? It is pretty good with some kinds of meat, but it is not my main association at all

i have only ever used mayonaise on foods that have meat in them like sandwiches or burgers. i dont even know of many recipes that use mayonaise for other things besides that

Yes, it’s a tradition in some European countries, especially Belgium, Netherlands and Germany

meat?? white people are crazy

Well mayo and chicken go well….

wait true actually i forgot about that

i thought he meant like steak