oren @oren

Project IDX is out now in private beta!


oren @oren

Google just announced Project IDX, which looks really cool. It’s a browser-based code IDE that lets you develop web apps, and in the future will allow for Android and iOS apps (which is really cool because up until now you needed a Mac to make iOS apps). It looks really cool, especially if you don’t have a good machine for coding.


Aug 8, 2023, 6:48 PM
Aug 15, 2023, 3:45 PM
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yeah but it can compile iOS apps

the whole iOS compiling thing seems fishy to me. do they have a special agreement with Apple, because it seems weird to me that Apple would allow Google to do this without having their own service that supports this (apple usually won't let another company do something that they don't do).

also, just to note, google pays apple ~$15 billion a year to be the default browser on iOS and macOS. So they do have expensive deals for certain things. But that would surely inflate the price quite a bit if they did that.

i see that they mention iOS simulators, but i don't see anything about actual iOS signing/compilation 🤔

building the app is required to run it in the simulator, but a lot of other stuff isn’t really mentioned right now, like signing. we’ll have to see what ends up happening

also, what's the pricing going to be? considering that it includes a browser-based android/iOS emulator (which are notorious for being demanding of servers/resources), i would assume it wouldn't be cheap (when they officially launch ofc) 😬