tallpeter @tallpeter

za-chary discovers open world games

za-charys_notebook @za-charys_notebook
8.21.23 || Going on a vacation and exploring by yourself is like playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild but in real life.
Aug 22, 2023, 6:59 AM
Aug 22, 2023, 1:53 PM
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i think it’s a joke (maybe)

If it is it’s not funny

posting everyday means they can’t all be wins i guess

“Making good wasteof.money posts is an art. Sometimes you hit, sometimes you don't”

@oren, 2023. Same goes for notebook entries

actually true, but i definitely respect the dedication to post a notebook entry every day for (basically) nothing in return!

he did say when his notebook entry hit its 1 year anniversary he will stop forcing himself to make 1 a day but he’s still going strong

Yeah, this is true for pretty much everything.

Also I think you can actually master an art, you just have to pay super close attention to how much people like your latest work of art, and then adjust so they like it better. That’s how MrBeast succeeded on YouTube. (also I don’t pay attention much though, but I probably could)