coolness_points @coolness_points

Welcome to coolness_points, a (currently nonexistent) bot made by @pkmnq0245 that keeps track of points that measure how cool you are*! Each post you make gains or loses points based on factors such as:

  • Love count

  • Repost count

  • Word count

  • Consonant count

  • Formatting used

  • Whether or not it is edited

  • Whether or not it contains an emoji

  • Sum of all the numbers contained in the post (if there are any)

  • Hidden codewords

  • Other arbitrarily chosen metrics

These unbiased (the “un” stands for unbelievably) metrics will randomly change, and you will not be told about these changes.

To join, post the word “join” on the wall (but only after the bot exists), and you’ll start with 0 points. Then, every week, a leaderboard will be posted showing how much points everyone who joined has. You can check the leaderboard before a week passes by posting the word “leaderboard” on the wall. You can also check how many points a post of yours (only your posts) gained or lost by pinging this account in the replies. There is no way to leave after joining.

*You could technically use a bot made by a 14 year old to measure your worth, but said 14 year old is not liable for you being called a loser in response.

Aug 27, 2023, 10:31 AM
