wahsp @wahsp

no shot

he did it 5 minutes before midnight

wahsp @wahsp

not too appreciative of the one person who has yet to contribute to the writing part of a group project due in 30 minutes :\

Sep 19, 2023, 3:31 AM
Sep 20, 2023, 1:57 AM


honestly mood but also i hope they find the motivation to improve their work ethic

true but also I’m just glad it got in

The sheer amount of assignments I turn in five minutes before midnight is... disturbing ._.

same lmao, i just dont have the motivation to improve my work ethic ✨

I do at the beginning of the year but I’ve already lost it and I’ve been procrastinating again :\

hey you stayed strong for a lil, thats all that counts 🙌🏼

no yeah for the first couple weeks I was on top of everything which was kinda cool

i know the feeling… itworks for a bit and then its gone again 😅

I got better at this because I lost too much sleep in high school, so now I put stuff off slightly less and do them by 10 or 11 😏

the procrastinator

he must be stopped

if this person only did something like a spelling fix or punctuation fix-

nah we each had to write a paragraph on graphs we did in a lab assignment