dertermenter @dertermenter

Hot take: Mrbeast is the worst YouTuber of all time. He does poverty tourism for money to buy himself 50 lambos to shred, its unnaceptable.

he’s doing many other terrible things as shown in this video, it’s a must watch:

Sep 21, 2023, 5:56 PM


Where do you think the revenue he earns from the videos where he does those things goes?

P sure this is satire

It’s not, never liked him and wanted to put this take out. The video I linked convinced me

Into his back pocket to make more videos destroying cars and resources?

So his philanthropy just doesn't exist?

Bro you’ve gotta be less gullible, his philanthropy channel is a scam, he was caught investing all the money from the philanthropy channel in buying a plane to crash into the Indian Ocean, releasing a shit tonne of CO2! Rumour has it mrbeast produces the most CO2 in the world with his videos.

“Bro you've gotta be less gullible … Rumour has it” love it

Shit sorry, we all make mistakes! It was proven he admits the most CO2 by this video:

Name one person who has done more for charity than MrBeast. In 2022, he donated $3 million in aid for Ukrainian refugees. He has donated more than 5.5 million pounds of food, delivered more than 4.5 million meals and fed nearly 300,000 people. He’s paid for 1000 people to have cataract surgery. And he uses his platform to get more donations for each of these things, and more.

On top of this, he has stated multiple times that he will give away all his money, and he lives in a normal house, and really doesn’t own much personally. I don’t see the problem.

P sure this is satire

Oops, YouTube is blocked for me, so I couldn’t see the video

Me. I’ve done more charity. Checkmate

I haven’t told anyone this before, but my parents found tonnes of Saudi oil whilst on holiday when I was 2 and sold it to the US for loads of money, so that’s how I’m rich. I donate twice as much as mrbeast does but just don’t do the scummy poverty tourism that goes along with it!

Ah, so this is satire, alright

aka your parents wanted a quick buck from the US government

A big buck but yes

Is this an elaborate joke I just don't understand