if you want to see how cf is killing my uptime, status.radi8.dev exists btw
I think cloudflare died considering the fact that I have 4 notifications of my stuff going down and wasteof not working
None of my websites I own/manage were affected. Possibly were just unlucky and the colo you were connecting to went down :(
yeah, possibly :(
imagine using cf
I don't have to imagine! Also, I don't have to worry about exposing my IP, getting DDoSed, cache, ssl, dns.. the list goes on and on :)
neither do i, it just does it
also “exposing my ip” erm… you do that by using the internet
I don't browse the internet on my VPS. Also I don't want my VPS IP public information, since I run things that I'd rather not be brute forced/spammed/be a bypass of the protections that cf provides.
skill issue
uhh.. no?
yeah iti s